celebrate good times

Yesterday was my commissioning at Pulpit Rock Church, along with my Auf Wiedersehen to Colorado open house. I don’t have great photos because I got too caught up in my time with friends and forgot to take pictures. Oh well, it was a great time had by all. And check out this hilarious tandem bike cookie cake. I guess it didn’t matter how the decorating turned out because the cookie cake was delicious.

I was so blessed by the support I had at the commissioning as well as the friend who dropped in to celebrate what God has already accomplished. Thanks to the Gillotts who opened up their home yesterday and made this open house possible.

You may be asking what God is actually doing right now, and I’m pleased to share EXCITING news. Because of recent church support and some potential supporters who have become supporters I’m at 57%. I’d still like to get that last three percent before I leave Colorado. Also, I have a church supplying the funds for my entire two-month training in North Carolina, which is an amazing blessing and tremendously helps with my outgoing support. God is moving, and I give Him all the glory.

I love this passage in Isaiah that I have written on my bedroom mirror: “I will make rivers flow on barren heights and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into the pools of water and the parched ground into springs, so that people may SEE and KNOW; may CONSIDER and UNDERSTAND that the hand of the Lord has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it” (41:18-20).

Crazy that in the middle of our country’s economic crisis that God would move in such major ways. I challenge you as I have been challenged, don’t underestimate the power and resources God has and when He wants to move in and use them. Sometimes all we can do is get down on our knees and look up. Thank you for joining me in prayer!!

Here is the open house prep crew: Katlin, Joyce and Jimmy Gable (who I call Clark).

And Charlie the Border Collie was excited for all the people he got to meet and kiss.

Have a great week!

One thought on “celebrate good times

  1. Amen! I’m excited to hear your good news. After you move and once you get settled – I’d like to connect by phone again. So glad to hear of the many praises.Press on toward the goal! Kris

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