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a new chapter

I was talking to a friend the other day and said, “Isn’t it bizarre how your life story can take a turn and include twists, turns and chapters you never imagined would be a part of your story?” In my journey toward Austria with Greater Europe Mission I continued to look for momentum. I kept waiting for that page to turn and for the new chapter entitled “Life in Vienna” to begin. Instead God has been working on another couple of chapters. I have cried so many tears in the journey of wanting to finish support raising and get to Austria, and yet now I cry tears of thankfulness because I can’t imagine living in this new chapter without the support I have right here in Indiana. I’m so thankful to be with my family, that I returned to Indiana when I did in October 2008 and to see the community God has brought into my life since then. Thank you God for knowing what I need each and every day.

This morning I read a devo about two men who each planted a tree. One man would pray for God to bring what he thought the tree needed and the other said, “But I entrust my tree to its God. He who made it knows better than a man like me what it needs. I gave God no constraints or conditions, except to pray, ‘Lord send what it needs — whether that be a storm or sunshine, wind, rain, or frost. You made it, and you know best what it needs'” (Streams in the Desert). I resonate with that more now than ever.

My body has been so weird after chemo, whether it is reacting to the treatment, the prescription medications or just exhausted from undergoing two surgeries in the last three weeks. I used to know pretty easily what my body needed and how to feel better, but now every day can be different. I guess when you know you’re already fighting something inside of of your body you tend to over-analyze if eating this or doing this or that will be good or bad. I’ve had moments where I’ve just had to stop and pray, Jesus, I have no idea why I feel this way or what to do to feel better, but you know. I just give it to you.

upcoming dates
My next chemo treatment is on April 13, but this Thursday I go back to check my blood counts. Then after the April 13 treatment I have another chemo scheduled on May 4. Right now these are the only ones we have scheduled. I imagine we will do some reevaluation after the three treatments and see if this is working.

the prayers of children
I am so thankful for all of your prayers for me and my family. We can definitely feel them. However, I have to say I’m most blessed by the stories I hear of children praying for me. Kaleb and I talked the Sunday night before my port surgery and he said he prays for me a lot. He said his mom and dad suggested praying for me before he goes to bed at night, but he prays other times as well. My sister-in-law mentioned that Kaleb will go into their living room and just start praying. She has to leave the room because it brings tears to her eyes. He has such a precious heart! I continually remind Kaleb that God is Bigger than the Boogie Man of cancer. To that he gives me a high-five and says “Niiiiicce!”

Have a great week!

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