Site icon tandem living | Krishana Kraft

How to more than survive a crash course in theology

We’ve all felt it. You step into a room, look around and think, Where do I fit in this scenario? Well, this is where I stand, except I’m not in a physical room. I’m logging on to an online Master’s program in Bible Exposition.

Yes, 17 years after I finished my undergraduate degree, I’m heading back to school. Talk about a learning curve.

Last Thursday, I had my first video conferencing for one of three theology classes I will take in the next few years. When I clicked on the link to join the video conference, it gave me an option of turning on my mic on or only to listen. Well, I didn’t want to be “live and on the air” right away, so I chose to listen.

Videos of each student “coming to class” began to pop up on the screen. I figured out how to join in and my video popped up too. Did I tell you that this class begins at 6:30 p.m….California time? Yep, right around the time of day that I’m usually in my PJs perusing Netflix for a good end-of-the-day show. Instead, I’m in front of my laptop trying not to yawn on camera.

The professor introduced the course, and while we had made personal introductions in our online forum, he still wanted us to say a little bit about ourselves for the class to hear. Oh, he wants the class to hear me, I thought. I would smile and nod as each class member went and watched as my opportunity approached. I saw links on the site for tutorials on how to turn my microphone on, but who has time for that when I only had a few minutes before I was supposed to share.

Fortunately, I found the online chat section and quickly typed, while still nodding and trying to pay attention, “Does anyone know how I can turn my mic on?”

I would glance back and forth until finally, someone typed back, “Press that red button up at the top and it should give you the option.”

Red buttons look dangerous, but I did what he suggested—and it worked. I finally had a mic . . . which I quickly muted as my classmate continued his introduction. Now it was my turn. I could do this.

I got 25 seconds into my introduction when the whole website crashed.


I crashed theology class.

I could hear my professor saying in the background of the whole web page crashing, “Oh, it looks like we lost her.”

It felt like everything was moving in slow motion as the page reloaded.

Finally, I popped back on the screen, video running, mic on and now I completely drew a blank. What was I supposed to share? I’m not sure what came out of my mouth, but I don’t think I mentioned why I was even in this theology course. I didn’t share that I had been a missionary in Vienna, Austria, that I now wanted to pursue more education in Bible Exposition and Spiritual Formation to head back to Austria, or that I have a passion for people to experience intimacy with God—what I like to call tandem living.

I wonder if God chuckled, Yep, that’s my girl!

Asking the wrong questions

Here I am again, I have thrown caution to the wind and have taken a big jump—into a Master’s program through Talbot School of Theology. I’m so excited and overwhelmed at the same time. How in the world will I do this? Am I out of my mind? 

It has been a while since I shared what God has been up to in my life, but for the last few months, He has emphasized that He is with me. I would see it time and time again in scripture where I didn’t notice it before. Months ago, my church had a sermon series on Joseph (Genesis 37, 39-41) and the point that stuck out to me the most was that in the middle of all that Joseph went through, God was with him. Check it out (Genesis 39:2-3,21-23). And then Christmas rolled around and everywhere I heard the name Immanuel used—God with us.

In John 15, Jesus talks about how He is the Vine and we are the branches, meaning He desires for us to remain intimately connected with Him and do this “life thing” together. He even goes on to say, “For apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Do you see the theme? He never asked me to do this alone. He does this with me. He requires dependence.

Instead of asking, How in the world will I do this, I need to shift perspective. God, You created the world. You can help me more than survive this new season full of learning curves, unknowns and crash courses in theology.

I’m excited to bring you along as this new tandem-living adventure begins.

If I have many questions, there is a possibility you do too, even after reading this. Journey with me and let’s explore together.

Tandem Living Read-Along Starts February 1!!!

Something I’ve grown in over the last few years is integrating my past stories into my current storyline. What better way to do this than to read through Tandem Living, with you?!

I would like to slowly read the book with you over the course of approximately 10 months. Now, I know some of you are reading this in two days, I get it! However, I want to go a bit deeper.

Through this experience, I will share some behind-the-scenes parts of each chapter as well as see how God is using these messages to speak to my heart and circumstances now.

Maybe through this, you too will see how God desires to use your past stories to inform what He’s up to today.

We’ll begin with the Intro and Chapter 1, right here, Thursday, February 1. Will you join me?

Need to pick up a copy either paperback or even Kindle? Here’s the best place to do so!!

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